OASIS® Extracellulaire Matrix


About ECM, an introduction

Extracellulaire Matrix (Biodesign)


Brochure OASIS Extracellulaire Matrix
Brochure OASIS Extracellulaire Matrix (verkleind)

NIEUW: Engelstalige productbrochure OASIS Extracellular Matrix

OASIS Product Information
OASIS Gebruiksaanwijzing  (meertalig)
OASIS Gids voor het aanbrengen en behandelen  (Nederlandstalig)
OASIS Application and Management Guide   (Engelstalig)

Website producent Cook Biotech

Video met productinformatie

OASIS – Mechanism of Action

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Clinical Evidence

Clinical Fact Sheet OASIS 2019

Art. 001  An extracellular matrix graft (Oasis®) for treating .. Etris_JoTV_2019
Art. 002  Cost-effectiviness of using  adjunctive porcine .. Guest_J Wound Care_2017
Art. 003  Clinico Economics Outcomes ..  Romanelli Res_2016
Art. 004  The Management of diabetic foot ulcers..  Cazzell_Adv WoundCare_2015
Art. 005  Effectiveness of an Extracellular Matrix Graft OASIS ..  JOVS_2005


OASIS BiologiQ Casuisistiek NL
Casus Ulcus Cruris Venosum WCS 2010-1-06
Pressure Ulcers
Traumatic Ankle Injury

Contact Burn 
Palmar Burn
Scald Burn
Chest Burn

Klinische Studies & Publicaties:

NIEUW: OASIS bij kankergerelateerde huidschade

Small Intestinal Submucosal Matrix as a Novel Reconstructive Option for Large Scrotal Defects_Somani AK
Small Intestinal Submucosa Matrix as a Novel Therapy for Wounds in Dystrophic_Somani AK
Skin cancer poster text _Somani AK


> Nihsen ES, Johnson CE, Hiles MC. Bioactivity of small intestinal submucosa and oxidized regenerated cellulose/collagen. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2008;21:479-486.
> Hodde J, Janis A, Hiles M. Effects of sterilization on an extracellular matrix scaffold: Part II. Bioactivity and matrix interaction. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2007;18:545-550.
> Hodde JP, Badylak SF, Brightman AO, Voytik-Harbin SL. Glycosaminoglycan content of small intestinal submucosa: a bioscaffold for tissue replacement. Tissue Eng. 1996;2:209-217.
> Hurst RE, Bonner RB. Mapping of the distribution of significant proteins and proteoglycans in small intestinal submucosa by fluorescence microscopy. J Biomater Sci Polymer Ed. 2001;12:1267-1279.
> Hodde JP, Ernst DMJ, Hiles MC. An investigation of the long-term bioactivity of endogenous growth factor in OASIS Wound Matrix. J Wound Care. 2005;14:23-25.
> McDevitt CA, Wildey GM, Cutrone RM. Transforming growth factor-B1 in a sterilized tissue derived from the pig small intestine submucosa. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2003;67A:637-640.


> Nherera – An Overview of Clinical and Health Economic
> Carter MJ, Waycaster C, Schaum K, Gilligan AM. Cost-effectiveness of three adjunct cellular/tissue-derived products used in the management of chronic venous leg ulcers. Value Health. 2014;17:801-813.
> Efficacious and Cost-Effective Use of SIS Wound Matrix Oasis…


> Cuenca-Pardo J, Peralta-Conde D. Quemaduras en cara tratadas con escisión temprana y cubiertas con matriz acelular. Cir Plastic. 2011;21:11-19.
> Glik J, Kawecki M, Kitala D, et al. A new option for definitive burn wound closure – pair matching type of retrospective case-control study of hand burns in the hospitalised patients group in the Dr Stanislaw Sakiel Centre for Burn Treatment between 2009 and 2015. Int Wound J. 2017;14:849-855.
> Salgado RM, Bravo L, García M, Melchor JM, Krötzsch E. Histomorphometric analysis of early epithelization and dermal changes in mid-partial-thickness burn wounds in humans treated with porcine small intestinal submucosa and silver-containing hydrofiber. J Burn Care Res. 2014;35:e330-e337.

Acute wonden

> Baldursson BT, Kjartansson H, Konradsdottir F, Gudnason P, Sigurjonsson GF, Lund SH. Healing rate and autoimmune safety of full-thickness wounds treated with fish skin acellular dermal matrix versus porcine small-intestine submucosa: a non-inferiority study. Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2015.
> Veerkamp P, Isaacs M, Somani A. Small intestinal submucosal matrix as a novel reconstructive option for large scrotal defects. Dermatol Surg. 2018;44:318-321.
> Yeh DD, Nazarian RM, Demetri L, et al. Histopathological assessment of OASIS Ultra on critical-sized wound healing: A pilot study. J Cutan Pathol. 2017;44:523-529.
> Zagrocki L, Ross A, Hicks A. Management of degloving injuries of the lower extremity: a case report of a forklift injury. Foot Ankle Spec. 2013;6:150-153.

Diabetische ulcera

> Benbow M. Oasis: an innovative alternative dressing for chronic wounds. Br J Nurs. 2001;10:1489-1492
> Cazzell SM, Lange DL, Dickerson JE Jr., Slade HB. The management of diabetic foot ulcers with porcine small intestine submucosa tri-layer matrix: A randomized controlled trial. Adv Wound Care. 2015;4:711-718.
> Frykberg RG, Hodde JP. Biomaterial Wound Matrix from Small Intestine Submucosa: Review and Efficacy in Diabetic Wound Healing. In Lee BY, ed. The Wound Management Manual. New York,NY: McGraw-Hill; 2005:290-297. (Chapter in a book; no abstract available.)
Gilligan AM, Waycaster CR, Landsman AL. Wound closure in patients with DFU: a cost-effectiveness analysis of two cellular/tissue-derived products. J Wound Care. 2015;24:149-156.
> Guest J, Weidlich D, Singh H, et al. Cost-effectiveness of using adjunctive porcine small intestine submucosa tri-layer matrix compared with standard care in managing diabetic foot ulcers in the US. J Wound Care 2017;26(Sup1):S12-S24
> Landsman A. Roukis TS. DeFronzo DJ, Agnew P, Petranto RD, Surprenant M. Living cells or collagen matrix: Which is more beneficial in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers? Wounds. 2008;20:111-116.
> Martinson M, Martinson N. A comparative analysis of skin substitutes used in the management of diabetic foot ulcers. J Wound Care. 2016;25:S8-S17.
> Niezgoda JA, Van Gils CC, Frykberg RG, Hodde JP. Randomized clinical trial comparing Oasis Wound Matrix to Regranex Gel for diabetic ulcers. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2005;18:258-266.

Veneuze ulcera

> Demling RH, Niezgoda JA, Haraway GD, Mostow EN. Small Intestinal Submucosa Wound Matrix and Full-thickness Venous Ulcers: Preliminary Results. Wounds. 2004;16:18-22.
> Guest J, Rana K, Singh H, Vowden P. Cost-effectiveness of using a collagen-containing dressing plus compression therapy in non-healing venous leg ulcers. J Wound Care. 2018;27:68-78
> Hankin CS, Knispel J, Lopes M, Bronstone A, Maus E. Clinical and cost efficacy of advanced wound care matrices for venous ulcers. J Manage Care Pharm. 2012;18:375-384.
> Lown I, Kurt T, Tran H, et al. Does Bilayered Extracellular Matrix Technology Hasten Wound Healing in Venous Stasis Ulcers? A Retrospective Study. Wounds. 2005;17:27-31
> Marston WA, Sabolinski ML, Parsons NB, Kirsner RS. Comparative effectiveness of a bilayered living cellular construct and a porcine collagen wound dressing in the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Wound Rep Regen. 2014;22:334-340.
> Mostow EN, Haraway GD, Dalsing M, Hodde JP, King D; OASIS Venus Ulcer Study Group. Effectiveness of an extracellular matrix graft (OASIS Wound Matrix) in the treatment of chronic leg ulcers: a randomized clinical trial. J Vasc Surg. 2005;41:837-843.


> Beers PJ, Adgerson CN, Millan SB. Porcine tri-layer wound matrix for the treatment of stage IV pressure ulcers. JAAD Case Rep. 2016;2:122-124.
> NIEUW Brown-Etris M, Milne CT, Hodde JP. An extracellular matrix graft (Oasis® wound matrix) for treating full-thickness pressure ulcers: A randomized clinical trial. J Tissue Viability 2019;28:21-26.

Gemengde chronische ulcera

> Barendse-Hofmann MG, Steenvoorde P, van Doorn L, Jacobi CE, Oskam J, Hedeman PP. Extracellular Wound Matrix (OASIS®): Exploring the Contraindications. Results of Its Use in 32 Consecutive Outpatient Clinic Cases. Wounds. 2007;19:258-263.
> Barendse-Hofmann MG, van Doorn LP, Oskam J, Steenvoorde P. Extracellular matrix prevents split-skin grafting in selected cases. J Wound Care. 2007;16:455-458.
> Carson SN, Travis E, Overall K, Lee-Jahshan S. Using Becaplermin Gel with Collagen Products to Potentiate Healing on Chronic Leg Wounds. Wounds. 2003;15:339-345.
> Olivares-Escutia J, Delbouis-Molina A, Fernandez-Meso JN, et al. Tratamiento de derides con ulceracion cronica, mediante submucosa de intestine delgado. Informe de 20 casos. Rev Mex Ortop Truamatol. 2002;16:125-130.
> Rando T. Use of a biological extracellular matrix wound therapy to heal complex, chronic wounds. J Wound Care. 2009;18:70-74.

Chronische vasculaire ulcera

> Romanelli M, Dini V, Bertone M, Barbanera S, Brilli C. OASIS wound matrix versus Hyaloskin in the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds of mixed arterial/venous aetiology. Int Wound J. 2007;4:3-7.
> Romanelli M, Dini V, Bertone MS. Randomized comparison of Oasis Wound Matrix versus moist wound dressing in the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds of mixed arterial/venous etiology. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2010;23:34-38.
> Romanelli M, Gilligan AM, Waycaster CR, Dini V. Difficult-to-heal wounds of mixed arterial/venous etiology: a cost-effectiveness analysis of extracellular matrix. Clinicoecon Outcomes Res. 2016;8:153-161.

Gemengde wonden

>  AbouIssa A, Mari W, Simman R. Clinical usage of an extracellular, collagen-rich matrix: A case series. Wounds. 2015;27:313-318.
> Brown DFM, Jaffer FA, Baker JN, Gurol ME. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Case 28-2013. A 52-year-old man with cardiac arrest after an acute myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med. 2013;369:1.47-1054.
> PART 1 Brown-Etris M, Cutshall WD, Hiles MC. A New Biomaterial Derived from Small Intestine Submucosa and Developed into a Wound Matrix Device. Wounds. 2002;14:150-166.
> Part 2 Brown-Etris M, Cutshall WD, Hiles MC. A New Biomaterial Derived from Small Intestine Submucosa and Developed into a Wound Matrix Device. Wounds. 2002;14:150-166.
> Heiney J, Redfern R. Difficult leg wounds successfully closed with decortication, bioresorbable ECM and NPWT. J Wound Care. 2013;22:314-316.