LDT Madentherapie
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Brochure Wat is Madentherapie (Nederlandstalig)
Brochure LDT Madentherapie (Engelstalig)
What is Larval Debridement Therapy (LDT)
How Larval Debridement Therapy can help with wound care challenges
LDT Madentherapie gebruiksaanwijzing BioBag Engelstalig 06 2018
LDT Madentherapie BQ-NL- Handleiding voor patienten en Zorgverleners – Antwoorden-op-uw-vragen (Nederlandstalig)
BioBag Gebruikersgids (Nederlandstalig)
NIEUW: Larval Therapy Care Poster
LDT Instructiefilm BioBag
Klik op het frame om de instructiefilm in groter formaat te zien
Clinical Evidence
Clinical Fact Sheet LDT Madentherapie
Art. 001 Maggot therapy versus condervative debridement … pressure ulcers
Art. 002 Maggot therapy for treating pressure ulcers … Spinal Cord
Art. 003 LDT, clinical evidence, mechanisms of action and future prospects
Art. 004 The influence of Maggot Excretions on PAO1 Biofilm formation …
Art. 005 The cost effectiviness of Larval therapy in venous ulcers
Scientific Fact Sheet LDT Madentherapie
Art. 006 Werking MDT – Hoe madenexcreten niet alleen het debridement
bespoedigen, maar ook de wondheling – Dr. G. cazander 2010
Art. 007 Debridement – Madentherapie effectief bij de behandeling van
necrotische Wonden – Dr. P. Steenvoorde 2008
Art. 008 Debridement – Madentherapie effectief bij de behandeling van
necrotische Wonden en wondherstel – Dr. M. van der Plas 2009
(Op aanvraag)
Pressure Ulcer_EN_01_0618
Chronic Wound_01_0618
Venous ulceration_EN_01_0815
Pre-tibial haematoma_EN_01_0815
Burn to lower leg_EN_01_1015
LDT Madentherapie Casuisistieken (2x)
Studies & Publicaties
Larval Therapy and Larval Excretions/Secretions: A Potential Treatment for Biofilm in Chronic Wounds? A Systematic Review
Footnote Special Issue 2019 190215
TIME wondmanagement met medicinale larven W. Jung WCS-2-2017
BIS LDT TIME Manangement W. Jung BM275_EN_01_0416_IP
Increase in skin perfusion pressure after maggot debridement therapy for critical limb ischaemia
Pritchard 2013 Degradation of MSCRAMM
Artikel e-learning Madentherapie NTVW
MDT Systematic review BJCN Dec 14
New resources on larval debridement therapy WOUNDS UK 2013
Wilcox Healogics Debridement paper
JAMA Healogic comments
Bennett 2013 – Cost-effectiveness of interventions for chronic wound
debridement- an evaluation in search of data_LDT
Cazander_Review_MultipleActions LuciliaSericata
Maggot debridement therapy for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers a meta-analysis JWC 09 2013
The All Wales Guidance for the Use of Larval Debridement Therapy
Reviewing the effectiveness of larval therapy
Larval therapy applied to a large arterial ulcer: an effective outcome
JWC EWMA Debridement Document 2013
Anti-inflammatory actions of maggot secretions – Cazander Abstr. EPUAP_LDT 2012
LDT -An Alternative Method for Debridement – Finn Gottrup & Bo Jorgensen
Can laboratory investigations help us to decide when to discontine LDT?
Antibakterielle Wirkung von Fliegenmaden Originalarbeit Daeschlein Kramer UNI Greifswald
A novel approach to the antimicrobial activity of maggot debridement therapy
Pseudomonas – Studie Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
MDT Madentherapie – G_ Cazander – In dit Verband 03 2011
Madenexcreten beinvloeden menselijk complementsysteem
Maggot Secretions Skew Monocyte-Macrophage
Maggot excretions-secretions are differentially effective against
Maggot secretions suppress pro-inflammatory responses
Maggot excretions/secretions are differentially effective against biofilms of Staphylococcus aureusand Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Maggot therapy: clinical relevance, mechanisms of action and future prospects
Biofilms- Biomaterials- Maggots MDT Cazander-Jukema 1008
The antimicrobial activity of maggots
Smoking is not contra-indicated in MDT in the chronic wound
Larval Intervention In The Chronic Wound
The Yuk-Factor
MDT in The Netherlands
Maggot therapy for the treatment of intractable wound (to abstract)
Maggot Debridement Therapy Free-range or Contained (to abstract)